Pederoa, La Valle (Bolzano)

M2 global reach

Central und international

Our site locations reflect our global orientation: from our headquarters in La Valle, South Tyrol, via Rome and Bavaria all the way to Belo Horizonte in Brazil. By combining our expertise with an international perspective, we aim to fulfil our mission around the world shaping railway infrastructure for the future thanks to innovative maintenance and safety solutions.

How can we be of help?

Do you have questions relating to our services or would you like to set up an initial meeting? If this is the case, then we look forward to hearing from you.

Which m2 site would you like to contact?

Your data are processed pursuant to and in accordance with current legislation (GDPR 679/2016, TKG 2003) to manage your request as well as to activate an information service for you. They will be treated with the observance of every precautionary measure of security and confidentiality provided by the legislation in force. Holder of data handling is m2 railgroup S.r.l. - Zona artejanala, 58 - 39030 La Valle (BZ) - Italy. Read the full privacy policy.